Home > ALL > Scissor Oil + Maintenance Kit

Scissor Oil + Maintenance Kit
  • 2012-04-16 (Mon) 16:50
  • ALL

Scissors are an investment and it makes sense to take care of your tools.

good maintenance kit to clean and oil maintenance_4342your scissors will help you do that.  We’ve been asked many times over the years for scissor oils but its been surprisingly difficult to come up with a good applicator that applies just the right amount of lube.  You see, the traditional ‘dropper’ type laid out too much oil (which draws in hairs into the screw), and brush type oil pens tend to leak.

Well we’ve finally got the perfect oil applicator – it’s so good, our sharpening team use it too.  We’ve bundled it with a high quality chamois cloth for cleaning, a screw adjustment tool, finger rings, and a genuine leather blade sheath too.

It’s an excellent piece of kit, which’ll allow you to care for your precious tools and make them last longer.maintenance_kit_4335

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