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Its another “How on earth did we manage until now?” moment from YS PARK!

Getting your bearings at the very beginning is essential to understanding the geometry of the head and the basic rules of cutting. Its incredible there’s been nothing to guide educators and learners the accurate angles until now. Inconsistent angles will alter the finished look of your cut and inevitably eat into your final checking time. 45゜horizontal sections for a graduation? Easy! Check your sections, see how it should look against the head fit ruler and repeat until your eyes and fingers can do it as second nature.

Available in 3 lengths 36cm, 24cm & 12cm and also as a complete trio set!

YSRA45-360 (36cm) £24.17 +vat

YSRA45-240 (24cm) £18.33 +vat

YSRA45-120 (12cm) £15.00 +vat

RA45 TRIO SET £45.83 +vat